Information Technology - We specialize in high-end SQL technology
Information Technology is the necessary backbone of any up-to-date management. The best managerial structure will be blinded if the needed information is not available at the due time. Hence, we assist our customers trough the jungle of available IT services. Most customers can not start their IT structure from scratch because they already depend on legacy systems or, even more, an already installed IT infrastructure. Such structures have grown mostly on an 'as-needed' basis without any clear overall view and often no central strategy. Incompatibilities are often the result of unplanned growth.
We will help to set up an integrated IT service analysis and plan. Thereafter, we will study the existing market and aid the customer in the most rational and cost-responsible procurement of hard- and software. The initial investment is mostly the tip of the IT investment, the maintenance being in the long-run the most important cost factor of IT services. Hence, we will focus on this long term asset. We will continue to monitor the market for our customers and alert them if technology advancement makes cost-saving new investments necessary.
Our core medical activity depends heavily on high-quality networking. Hence, we are naturally prepared to offer this quality to our customers. Our networks will ease the information exchange within your company and with your external contacts. The service supports meeting- and task- scheduling and journaling, management of a centralised client-database and the complete e-mailing job in all different formats.